Professional Customer Support:
Our team goes an extra mile to resolve your queries and issues to the best of your satisfaction.You can contact DickensDirect any time if you need assistance on your account, device, or payment, or would like assistance with a guideline throught our 24/7 Chat system or Email us on and we'll respond back as soon as possible.
You can also log in to your account to track your order status or Contact Us.
Your stuff is usually delivered within 2 to 3 working days, but in case of a holiday or a weekend, it may take much longer. Also, in case of an emergency, it may also take extra time.
Get in touch: is secure and always accessible. We strive to provide high quality tailored service to our customers and if there is ever anything to inquire, please feel free to contact us.
Our Team Looks Forward to Hearing From You
You can always provide feedback on our services on multiple forums to encourage us or guide us.